
Anything to hide?

"I gonna die if my wife know where my Facebook is", my friend told me one day. I have no idea what's inside, but this intringues me to think, how much secret do we posses, and how are we going to deal with it? Do u have anything that need to hide up?

I certainly have secret (don't ask me what it is, my dear, I should have told u if I could), but there are not much. Namely becoz I find it difficult to hide as the desire to speak up, and share, is simply irresistible. Most of the "secret" we thought, is not really a secret. What I mean is, you usually just want to hide it up from someone, not everyone around you.

Also, the "secret" is usually not something immoral. Have you seen the movie "Shall we dance"? Koji Yakusho (or Richard Gere, depends on the version you are seeing), is married. But every day after work, he doesn't head home but go to learn waltz dancing. What's more, he even practice alone in the park. Dancing is a very normal activity, but he simply want to hide it up from his wife.

You have an urge to speak it out. So you make yourself at ease by telling everyone except the one you want to hide it from. But what if you want a higher level of secrecy? You put it up as a blog! Just like people throwing a bottle with a message to the sea! Longing for the "someone" to find your blog (or bottle) and read your line, then give you a word or two to sooth the pain.

Thank you for soothing my pain, I hope my friend (and his wife) will not find this piece of blog. :)

Happy hiding.


Fred said...

You really got me checking out the profiles of others at facebook... ;-)

Ronnie said...

Shh .. keep it to yourself, or we will see a lot of messaged bottle in the sea. X)